The Trickster Archetype In Hollywood Movies

Basic MBTI
5 min readJan 22, 2024

Tyler Durden, the Joker, Loki — what these figures have in common is that they all represent the Trickster archetype. The Trickster brings chaos and challenges the status quo, and he is not exactly a villain.

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

The Trickster is omnipresent in folklore, literature, and cinema — anywhere from ancient myths to modern movies.

He embodies chaos, change, and the questioning of conventional norms.

His job is transformation.

The Trickster’s actions often result in unexpected outcomes, sometimes beneficial, other times harmful.

He is neither a hero nor a villain.

Just like the human psyche, he is complex and cannot be grasped in black & white thinking.

The Trickster will disrupt the established order, defy conventional behavior, and challenge authority through cleverness and subversion.

The so-called civilized man has forgotten the trickster. He remembers him only figuratively and metaphorically, when, irritated by his own ineptitude, he speaks of fate playing tricks on him or of things being bewitched. He never suspects that his own hidden and…

