MBTI Personality Types

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Small Talk — Why INTJs Hate It (And ENFPs Are Ok With It)

Basic MBTI
MBTI Personality Types
5 min readJan 23, 2021


Why does the INTJ hate small talk? And why is ENFP okay with it? Both are intuitive types. Yes, the INTJ is an introvert, and this is the first and most obvious reason. The ENFP is more of an ambivert. Even though they need some alone time once in a while, ENFP types are perfectly fine with small talk.

Still From Our Video On Smalltalk and INTJ/ENFP

In this article we are going to discuss small talk, and how INTJ and ENFP view it. These two types are probably the most opposing polarities in the MBTI when it comes to casual conversations.

Let’s take a look at the definition of small talk. In the Oxford dictionary smalltalk is defined as

a polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions.

So far so good. The key to understanding this are the terms unimportant and uncontroversial.

Who defines, what’s important and what’s unimportant? Talking about the weather sounds totally trivial. Asking somebody how their week has been, is often perceived as meaningless small talk as well. But important versus unimportant is very relative. There are people who consider things like…



MBTI Personality Types
MBTI Personality Types
Basic MBTI
Basic MBTI

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